Thursday 6 December 2012


Acids are are substance that react with metal and have a pH-balance of less than 7.0. They taste sour and are present in all foods, particularly in fruits, vegetables and diary products. Different types of Acids provide different functions in your body, such as allowing your body to absorb certain minerals into your digestive tract.


Names of Acids in fruits, vegetables and Diary products:


This weak acid is present in all citrus fruits, such as oranges, grapefruits, lemons, limes and kumquats. It is used as an additive for flavoring in food and soft drinks, color removal from hair, and for flavoring wine and beer. In human metabolism, citric acid is involved in the conversion of fat, carbohydrates and proteins into energy.


  This Acid contains phosphorus and its found in whole grain, bran, hulls of seed and nuts and soy products. it binds with calcium, zinc, iron and magnesium, limiting their obsorption in your digestive tract. Therefor, most of these minerals pass through your gut and into your feces. Dietitan Mary Grosvenor, former researcher at the UCLA Medical Center, recommends that you cook the Phytic acid-containing food to break down some of the Phytic acid to allow better obsorption of minerals into your body. Otherwise, you can develop nutritional deficiencies such as osteoporosis from lack of calcium  and iron anemia from lack of iron.


 This type of acid plays a vital role in carbohydrate and fat metabolism. It also helps Vitamin C and E to protect your cell membranes from damage by free radicals. According to biologists George Mateljan, author of "Worlds Healthiest Foods", green leafy vegetables and any vegetables with green pigment contains high level of lipioic acid. These include 
broccoli, lettuce, spinach, collards and bok choy.

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